"Cotton Pickin' Important"

So says Ag Secretary Sonny Purdue about Florida’s gubernatorial race.

So he’s either

a) using a colourful phrase and can’t see why it might offend, or

b) he’s baiting the opposition big time, hoping for OUTRAGE that sensible voters can push back against, because you can’t use a simple expression around these damn people.

I vote for b.


“Cotton pickin’ important” is kind of a clunky phrase.

Some real impressive craftsmanship at the Cotton Picken Fair each year in Gay, GA



“Cotton pickin’ important” is kind of a clunky phrase.

plus 1

Cotton Pickin’ is old southern for Goddam, which no true southern gentleman would ever utter. It isn’t clunky if you’ve used it routinely for several decades, as this old boy likely has.

  • in 1911, J.R. Gay was an eligible bachelor and someone had to host social events in thriving Gay, Georgia.*


Being a southern boy myself, I’ve typically heard it used in this phrase: "Just wait a cotton pickin’ minute.".

I can’t remember it used in another way, but I’m sure it has.


Indeed. The Cotton PIckin Fair in Gay, GA and the Powers Crossroads country fair are two of favorites.


the fairs both look like a great day out.

Thanks for showing a Yankee the fine side of Cotton Pickin’

So says Ag Secretary Sonny Purdue about Florida’s gubernatorial race.

So he’s either

a) using a colourful phrase and can’t see why it might offend, or

b) he’s baiting the opposition big time, hoping for OUTRAGE that sensible voters can push back against, because you can’t use a simple expression around these damn people.

I vote for b.


I think we’re becoming way too sensitive in this country and CNN’s piece reflects that. Steve et al. are completely correct when it comes to that phrase, which my Uncle Jim from outside of Clarksville, Tennessee would utter on occasion, getting slapped in return on his forearm by my Aunt Dodie for having said it. :wink:

“Now wait just a cotton pickin’ minute!” - Bugs Bunny

“Now wait just a cotton pickin’ minute!” - Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny was well known for racism…


NP—and I’ll not deny the darker side of the phrase. Just happy to point out that the phrase has a lighter side to it.

I love these Southern fairs. Grab a turkey leg and a bowl of brunswick stew and then walk around looking at some pretty impressive Americana craftsmanship. Good music too. Last time the wife and I went I got inspired to make a bunch of blue bird houses I’ve put up all round our property so now we have blue bird families. Which is cool until the little rascallions park on the mirrors of my truck and shit all over them :frowning:


NP—and I’ll not deny the darker side of the phrase. Just happy to point out that the phrase has a lighter side to it.

I love these Southern fairs. Grab a turkey leg and a bowl of brunswick stew and then walk around looking at some pretty impressive Americana craftsmanship. Good music too. Last time the wife and I went I got inspired to make a bunch of blue bird houses I’ve put up all round our property so now we have blue bird families. Which is cool until the little rascallions park on the mirrors of my truck and shit all over them :frowning:

A well-known insult around here was “May the bluebird of happiness take a dump on your head.” :wink:

NP—and I’ll not deny the darker side of the phrase. Just happy to point out that the phrase has a lighter side to it.

I love these Southern fairs. Grab a turkey leg and a bowl of brunswick stew and then walk around looking at some pretty impressive Americana craftsmanship. Good music too. Last time the wife and I went I got inspired to make a bunch of blue bird houses I’ve put up all round our property so now we have blue bird families. Which is cool until the little rascallions park on the mirrors of my truck and shit all over them :frowning:


Hah, could have told you that would happen. Guy I work with has the same, but says it’s fun watching the birds see themselves in the mirror and getting pissed at that other guy. lol I’ve been to the cotten pickin’ fair, and enjoyed it. Gets a huge amount of traffic, and we route our rides away from that area when the fair is in progress.

Yeah I definitely didn’t think the problem thru. I shoot the shit out of mocking birds that harass my barn cats–but I don’t have the heart to shoot a blue bird. They’re too pretty. So i just have to put of with crappy mirrors :wink:

Cotton Pickin’ is old southern for Goddam, which no true southern gentleman would ever utter. It isn’t clunky if you’ve used it routinely for several decades, as this old boy likely has.

None of your cotton pickin business is what Cotton Pickin makes me think of.

Cotton Pickin’ is old southern for Goddam, which no true southern gentleman would ever utter. It isn’t clunky if you’ve used it routinely for several decades, as this old boy likely has.

I thought it was southern for “mother fuckin’”.

What’s clunky here is the word “important” after “cotton pickin’”.

When I say it out loud it feels like I have a mouth full of…

…saw dust.

This one was the worst I had seen. Never saw it on tv, only of the DVD set with a disclaimer:


Cotton Pickin’ is old southern for Goddam, which no true southern gentleman would ever utter. It isn’t clunky if you’ve used it routinely for several decades, as this old boy likely has.

I thought it was southern for “mother fuckin’”.

I always thought of it as an intensifier, just like people use god damn or mother fucker.

Never occurred to me that it could have racist implications for some people until these stories started showing up.